Should I Get SenzaLipo?
Many people struggle with areas of stubborn fat that don’t seem to respond to diet or exercise. The most common problem areas are the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, but really any area of the body can be affected. In such cases, we often recommend Senzalipo as an effective solution to this very common problem.
As the most popular cosmetic procedure in the US, liposuction is currently in high demand. Over two million people underwent liposuction in just the past two years, marking a 21.1% increase from previous years. However, this surgical procedure is not for everyone.
If you’ve been thinking about getting liposuction, here are things to consider first.
SenzaLipo: A Quick Overview
Senzalipo — also known simply as lipo — is minimally invasive surgery to remove fat from the body. It is a body contouring procedure designed to remove stubborn pockets of fat. Senzalipo can help you achieve a flatter abdomen, slimmer waistline, more defined thighs and more. Areas commonly treated are:
- Abdomen
- Upper arms
- Inner and outer thighs
- Love handles (flanks)
- Chest and back
- Neck and chin
An important thing to know about Senzalipo is that it is not meant to replace the benefits of weight loss, healthy eating and regular exercise. Instead, its aim is to contour the body in those at or near their ideal body weight.
Like most surgical procedures, liposuction is performed under general or local anesthesia . The instruments used are a hollow, thin tubes called a cannulae and a high-pressure vacuum. The fat is then broken up and suctioned out.
Because liposuction is surgery, some downtime is involved. While most can resume work a week following surgery, it can take up to six weeks for bruising and swelling to subside. This is also when you will start to see the result of your procedure. And speaking of results, you can expect them to last for many decades as long as you maintain a healthy weight.
Things to Consider Before Getting Senzalipo
Liposuction can be a great way to achieve the body of your dreams. But your surgeon will first need to consider your health to determine if you are a candidate. It’s also important to have realistic expectations about this procedure. With that said, there are two main things you will want to consider before thinking about getting liposuction, and that is your health and your expectations.
Your Health
Liposuction candidates need to be in relatively good health. While liposuction is generally considered safe, as with any surgery, it does come with some level of risk. Adverse reactions to anesthesia, infections, blood clots and uneven results are more likely to happen in some patients. That’s why screening for potential risks is so important before this and other surgical procedures.
With that said, the ideal candidate for liposuction is:
Within their ideal body weight
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons states that ideal liposuction candidates are 30% within their ideal body weight. That’s mainly because patients with a BMI of 30 and over were found to be at greater risk of complications. Performing liposuction on patients who need to lose a greater amount of weight can also lead to uneven results.
In good health
Having a life-threatening illness or chronic medical condition can also put you at risk of serious complications. Poorly controlled diabetes puts patients at risk of skin infections. Severe heart conditions and blood clotting disorders can put you at risk of blood clots. And if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you will need to postpone liposuction until your doctor gives you clearance.
A non-smoker
Smoking impairs wound healing and puts patients at risk of skin infections and necrosis. In extreme cases, these can turn deadly. This is why surgeons advise patients to quit smoking at least three weeks prior to getting this procedure and until they have completely recovered.
Your Expectations
There are many misconceptions about liposuction, which is why many patients have unrealistic expectations about this treatment. Managing your expectations before any surgery will help you avoid disappointment and make an informed decision. Here is what you need to consider about liposuction:
Liposuction cannot replace weight loss
As explained, liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss. Patients who need to lose a significant amount of weight won’t benefit much from liposuction since only about two to five pounds of fat are removed during this procedure.
Besides that, liposuction won’t make you healthier, unlike weight loss. Even high-volume liposuction was found to have no effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure in one 2017 study.
It won’t remove cellulite or stretch marks
Liposuction may slightly improve the appearance of cellulite, but it will not remove it entirely. That is because cellulite is the result of collagen fibers called fibrous septae pushing the skin down. Liposuction also has no effect on stretch marks, which are scars caused by the skin stretching.
You’ll still be able to gain weight
While the fat cells removed during liposuction are gone for good, you will still be able to store fat in those areas. The remaining fat cells can still accumulate fat if you don’t stick to a healthy lifestyle. However, your new contours will likely remain the same following this procedure.
SenzaLipo: A Unique Liposuction Technique
At Senza Aesthetic Medicine, we offer a unique form of tumescent liposuction called SenzaLipo. Tumescent liposuction is a gentle technique that uses a saline solution and local anesthesia, which offers greater precision and fewer risks. Dr. Rasi has further enhanced this technique so patients can gain the benefits of liposuction with less downtime and fewer complications.
To learn more about SenzaLipo, call Senza Aesthetic Medical of Redlands, CA, today at 909-515-7026 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Rasi.